Wednesday, December 12, 2012

North Korea, I know what your doing.....

     I seem to have an idea, or assumption of what is going on here. North Korea is under sanctions for nuclear weapons testing and now they are firing a missile into space saying they are launching a weather satellite. Am I the only one seeing this or are they almost finished developing a delivery vehicle to get a nuke over to the US and EMP our ASS? If there is a threat of them using a EMP on us to make our way of life like theirs, why wasnt this missile shot down? Do I need to do a RFI and help you military planners out? I know I'm retired, but I haven't lost it yet. I sure hope the money we have spent on Destroyers and Cruisers that are BMD capable pays off. I got it!!! The "Boy Wonder" in the White House is going to save us.


  1. I had the same thought about an EMP delivery system. But never fear, this administration will dither and blather, while assuring us it's all under control.

  2. Oh you know that ole what's is noodle and his crew would not shoot down the rocket. It would show the U.S. as being a strong nation, and that is not their policy.

  3. What? The Norks aren't our friends now?

    I can never keep track of that stuff...

    How much money do we send them every year?

  4. You aren't the only one, trust me...

    1. I know I am not the only one, I have you thinking the same thing too.

  5. I thought that they would try using the test to scare everyone into lifting sanctions but I don't know

    1. Who knows what goes on over there. Last satellite picture I saw of N. Korea, they only had 3 lights turned on at night.
