Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Hey Bob, Kiss My .....

I wanted to provide Bob Costas a point to ponder before he opens his "PIE HOLE" and makes comments concerning handguns on a Nationally Televised football game.

Also Bob, the NFL player was a drunk, hooked on pain killers and sleeping around on his "BABY'S MOMMA", but in your eyes, the handgun jumped into his hand and did all this by itself.....


  1. Replies
    1. What will he say next, Pencils are the leading cause of death for school children? BAN PENCILS!!!!

  2. Bob Costas turned out not to be very bright or to have reasoning skills. I can't say this was that much of a surprise.

  3. But... but... you're using logic and reality, that's not FAIR... Sigh...

    1. Ha Ha, I could go further with the Fair comment into the Financial rhelm, but I wont. It's all about Fairness...... Ha Ha Ha.

  4. Rock M-1 - killing people since before BC - oh wait it was really Cain that did the killing. Well stated Senior.
    I literally just saw part of the interview from O'Reilly of costas that will air later this evening. He (costas) STILL doesn't get it and instead of trying to actually understand things is doubling down on his previous dumb comments. Won't say where I saw the clip but bobbeckel is being his usual intractable self and blaming it on 'right wingers' - Sigh.

    OTB MCPO sends...............
