Sunday, August 25, 2013

Stop by and visit a shipmate

    He is back, Harry has started up a new blog, so I invite you to stop by and visit his humble blog. I call him a shipmate because Sailors and Marines work close together and we both rely on each other to accomplish our missions. I am sure that many of you that follow me know of him so I really don't need to remind you that he has a new blog, but for the others who don't know him, stop by and read his wise commentary.



  1. I appreciate the kind words. It's good to be back among the living (on line). I'm really glad to see that so many of the "old timers" are still on the net. That way I know they aren't dead! :-)

  2. Hey, we all need to take a break every now again and collect our thoughts.

  3. Hey, we all need to take a break every now again and collect our thoughts.
