Thursday, July 18, 2013

Hell Yeah!!!!!

    **Warning**, for all viewers who do not like screeching guitars and hard rock music, please turn down your hearing aids, go knit a sweater, or turn the volume down and listen to Lawrence Welk and try to capture the adrenaline I feel from this video.

     As I am a proud semi-retired member of the United States Navy, semi-retired means I will always be a Senior Chief, just now that I have a civilian assignment at COMNAVHOMELANT!!!!!

    I have always been proud of serving with, in my honest opinion, the finest branch the United States military has to offer, based off our capabilities and where we can be, I am sure Duke and Stephen will also agree.

I don't know if it's the,

Gold Canopy laced EA6 riding the elevator up for launch prior to a cycle

The flight deck crew orchestrating a "Symphony of Destruction" in the organized chaos.

A/C launching of the Bird Farm (if you haven't launched before, I'm sorry, What a rush! HELL YEAH!)

RIVRON boats crashing back prior to unleashing HELL on someone or something. ( I have nightmares from them)

Iron Ladies launching Volkswagen's 20 NM

A 2V banking hard right

505 feet of American fighting steel, flying the battle ensign in a hard left rudder at flank

Tomahawks leaving VLS for a possible STOT

** Silent Service**

and the nations finest and bravest warriors, our SEALS. You guys are amazing!!!



  1. Catchy song. Was that the Iowa they showed firing the main guns?

    1. I don't know PP, by the looks of it, I would assume it was an IOWA Class. I couldn't catch the hull number.

  2. Replies
    1. Wow, I was 2 yrs old when you joined up. Thanks for your service Rev!

  3. If you miss it that much, feel free to sign back up... : ) lol j/k of course, don't leave me for deployments stuck with ND and NW. I would probably figure out a way to send them to you in a care package...

  4. Nah, it was the cheap smokes....and Hong Kong.

    1. Figured you would say something like that.

  5. Amen to all... We done good over the years....

    1. yes we have shipmate. Sorry no P-3C footage.
